Jun 19, 2023
We’re digging into secondary fertility and getting sleep with young children as you prepare to expand your family.
Many couples have no problem conceiving their first child and then struggle to conceive their second.
They may deal with low AMH, high FSH, DOR, or POI. We see this all the time (even when the first pregnancy was very easy).
I’ve spoken with many women who tell me that they know that they need to sleep to get pregnant, but they are struggling to get their little one to bed.
We could be doing all the right things for our sleep, but our little one is not sleeping through the night or we are caught in a co-sleep situation that no longer serves us.
This episode has a trigger alert as we are digging into the exact steps to help your baby/toddler get a restful night's sleep so that you can sleep too.
Optimal sleep is key for our reproductive health.
Today I’m welcoming Kim West to the podcast. Kim is a Clinical Social Worker (which is a child and family therapist) for over 25 years. Known as The Sleep Lady® by her clients, she has personally helped over 20,000 tired parents all over the world get a good night’s sleep without letting their children cry it out alone.
In this episode, you'll learn:
1) Unique sleep issues for 5-12 months and 12- 2.5 years
2) The best sleep schedule for baby and toddler (ie, how many naps do they really need – the answer may surprise you)
3) Final word on co-sleeping and how to know if its right for your family
4) Sleep regression (ie, sleeping through the night and now having a hard time falling asleep or up very early)
Fab Fertile Method https://www.fabfertile.com/what-we-do/
Get your free copy of our Spring Fertility Recipe Guide (includes 5-day meal plan/grocery shopping list, all free from the TOP allergens) at https://www.fertilitydietfreebie.com/.
I'm excited to introduce you to the Inito fertility monitor, an easy, at-home fertility tracker that tells you when you're the most fertile by measuring estrogen and LH and confirms if you’ve actually ovulated by measuring progesterone.
Go to Inito.com and use code FABFERTILE15 to save 15% on your fertility tracker.
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on HOW to improve pregnancy success with your own eggs.
Ready to get a plan for 2023 to have your baby?
In this personalized consultation, you receive a full review of your fertility history so that we can develop a plan to improve your chances of pregnancy success with your eggs.
Book a call: https://bit.ly/fabfertileapp
Please note when promoting a product, we only select products that either Sarah Clark or her team has tried and believe are beneficial for someone who is TTC. We may receive a small commission.