Dec 14, 2020
Today we are digging into the biggest mistakes we see on the fertility journey.
As 2020 is drawing to a close you may be wondering what you can do in 2021 to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy.
You’ve probably tried A LOT of different things to improve your fertility.
If you’re anything like me in times of stress or uncertainty – you put on your research hat. Hello Dr. Google!
I speak to women who tell me they spend hours each day researching, but they end of feeling drained and overwhelmed – and with no clear plan forward.
What if there were steps you could take right now to optimize your chances of pregnancy success?
Let’s dig into the biggest mistakes we see while you are TTC so that you can avoid them and take targeted ACTION to prepare your body for a baby.
This episode is for you:
1) You’ve tried everything and nothing has worked
2) Not sure what to do for 2021 to optimize your fertility
3) You feel like IVF may be your next step but you really want to get pregnant naturally
In this episode you'll learn:
1) Why generalized recommendations can actually hold you back from pregnancy success. How to know which fertility diet, fertility superfoods, fertility fads, fertility teas are right for you.
2) How to know which tests to invest in when you are TTC. What mistakes we regularly see with testing and how to avoid costly mistakes.
3) Why going to IVF too early can lead to heartbreak and how to optimize your chances of a successful IVF.
4) How to build a team around you and why going it alone may keep you stuck.
5) The mistakes we see when you hire someone who is not a fertility expert and how to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy by having an expert to troubleshoot and problem solve so that you don’t waste time.
Book your Free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery Call here:
For non-US residents go to to access
your free fertility yoga video. In this 20-minute intro video, we
focus on a calming and peaceful practice to connect back to our
hearts. These simple yoga poses can help quiet negative thoughts
and make you feel more in control.
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Got questions? Join the Fab Fertile Support Group for motivation, support, and education so that you can prepare for pregnancy success.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.