Aug 15, 2022
We’re digging into how tracking our hormones can help improve pregnancy success.
Tracking our hormones can be confusing, triggering and frustrating (sometimes all at once).
There are a lot of fertility trackers on the market.
How do we really know our hormone status without spending time getting blood drawn every month?
How can knowing our hormone numbers empower us rather than causing additional stress?
Today I'm excited to welcome Aastha Jain to the podcast. Aastha is the social media specialist at Inito. Inito is the world’s first home device that allows tests for fertility hormones — all on a single device connected to a smartphone
In this episode, you'll learn:
1) Why would it be important for someone who is TTC to use a fertility tracker?
2) There are a lot of fertility monitors on the market how is Inito different?
3) How Inito works to accurately predict our peak fertile days
4) Difference between blood hormones and urine hormones
Fab Fertile Method
Inito Fertility Tracker - use code FABFERTILE15 to save 15%
Stuck in a food rut? Not sure what exactly to eat to enhance your fertility? Get your free copy of our Summer Fertility Recipe Guide at
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care | Monitoring the menstrual cycle: Comparison of urinary and serum reproductive hormones referenced to true ovulation.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner (
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Join the Fab Fertile Support on Facebook for motivation, support, and education to prepare for pregnancy success.