Feb 10, 2020
On today's episode we’re digging into why food sensitivity testing could give us clues about your fertility.
I would say the majority of couples who we work with – tell us that they don’t have a food sensitivity. However, when they take a food sensitivity test coupled with the elimination diet, it turns out they do!
Whether you have low AMH, premature ovarian failure/insufficiency, repeat miscarriage, unexplained infertility, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis or male factor infertility – a customized diet is KEY.
A food sensitivity is stressor on the body – and if your body is under attack it wants to survive not procreate.
And while you may have tried lots of diets to maximize your fertility and not noticed any improvements – that’s because that diet worked for someone – but may not be the right diet for YOU!
On this podcast you’ll learn:
Food Sensitivity Test Review - (your review includes 60 minute consultation, plus follow up with additional 30 minute consultation). Order your Food Sensitivity Test Review here: https://fabfertile.com/product/leap-mrt-test-review/
Once you have purchased your review we will send you the information about the cost of the test (Test costs vary between $ 300 USD - $ 550 USD). Tests are shipped worldwide. All prices subject to change.
Book your Free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery Call here: https://intakeq.com/booking/cZ7XW6
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Visit BLUBlox website at: http://bit.ly/BLUBlox
Use coupon code: getpregnantpodcast to receive 15% discount. Free shipping worldwide.
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Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.